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Microservice & REST API

A microservice, showcasing a fictionary shopping use case

The following example snippet shows how a microservice could use BPMN engine to process orders and provides status feedback to clients.

For this example, we leverage messages and timers, to orchestrate some tasks. hello_world.png

For this microservice, we first define some simple API.

package main

import "net/http"

func initHttpRoutes() {
    http.HandleFunc("/api/order", handleOrder)                                        // POST new or GET existing Order
    http.HandleFunc("/api/receive-payment", handleReceivePayment)                     // webhook for the payment system
    http.HandleFunc("/show-process.html", handleShowProcess)                          // shows the BPMN diagram
    http.HandleFunc("/index.html", handleIndex)                                       // the index page
    http.HandleFunc("/", handleIndex)                                                 // the index page
    http.HandleFunc("/ordering-items-workflow.bpmn", handleOrderingItemsWorkflowBpmn) // the BPMN file, for documentation purpose

Then we initialize the BPMN engine and register a trivial handler, which just prints on STDOUT.

package main

import (


func initBpmnEngine() {
    bpmnEngine = bpmn_engine.New()
    process, _ = bpmnEngine.LoadFromBytes(OrderingItemsWorkflowBpmn)

func printHandler(job bpmn_engine.ActivatedJob) {
    // do important stuff here
    println(fmt.Sprintf("%s >>> Executing job '%s'", time.Now(), job.ElementId()))

func updateAccountingHandler(job bpmn_engine.ActivatedJob) {
    println(fmt.Sprintf("%s >>> Executing job '%s'", time.Now(), job.ElementId()))
    println(fmt.Sprintf("%s >>> update ledger revenue account with amount=%s", time.Now(), job.Variable("amount")))

Since the /api/order endpoint can be requested with the GET or POST method, we need to make the handler smart enough to either create an order process instance or respond a status

package main

import (
    _ "embed"

func handleOrder(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
    if request.Method == "POST" {
        createNewOrder(writer, request)
    } else if request.Method == "GET" {
        showOrderStatus(writer, request)

func createNewOrder(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
    instance, _ := bpmnEngine.CreateAndRunInstance(process.ProcessKey, nil)
    redirectUrl := fmt.Sprintf("/show-process.html?orderId=%d", instance.GetInstanceKey())
    http.Redirect(writer, request, redirectUrl, http.StatusFound)

func showOrderStatus(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
    orderIdStr := request.URL.Query()["orderId"][0]
    orderId, _ := strconv.ParseInt(orderIdStr, 10, 64)
    instance := bpmnEngine.FindProcessInstance(orderId)
    if instance != nil {
        // we re-use this GET request to ensure we catch up the timers - ideally the service uses internal timers instead
        bytes, _ := prepareJsonResponse(orderIdStr, instance.GetState(), instance.GetCreatedAt())
        writer.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
    http.NotFound(writer, request)

Also, for the incoming payments, our microservice provides an endpoint so that we get informed by external payment service. This handler sends a message to the process instance and continues.

package main

import (
    _ "embed"

func handleReceivePayment(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
    orderIdStr := request.FormValue("orderId")
    amount := request.FormValue("amount")
    if len(orderIdStr) > 0 && len(amount) > 0 {
        orderId, _ := strconv.ParseInt(orderIdStr, 10, 64)
        processInstance := bpmnEngine.FindProcessInstance(orderId)
        if processInstance != nil {
            vars := map[string]interface{}{
                "amount": amount,
            bpmnEngine.PublishEventForInstance(processInstance.GetInstanceKey(), "payment-received", vars)
            http.Redirect(writer, request, "/", http.StatusFound)
    writer.Write([]byte("Bad request: the request must contain form data with 'orderId' and 'amount', and the order must exist"))

To get the snippet compile, see the other sources in the examples/ordering_microservice/ folder.