Microservice & REST API
A microservice, showcasing a fictionary shopping use case
The following example snippet shows how a microservice could use BPMN engine to process orders and provides status feedback to clients.
For this example, we leverage messages and timers, to orchestrate some tasks.
For this microservice, we first define some simple API.
package main
import "net/http"
func initHttpRoutes() {
http.HandleFunc("/api/order", handleOrder) // POST new or GET existing Order
http.HandleFunc("/api/receive-payment", handleReceivePayment) // webhook for the payment system
http.HandleFunc("/show-process.html", handleShowProcess) // shows the BPMN diagram
http.HandleFunc("/index.html", handleIndex) // the index page
http.HandleFunc("/", handleIndex) // the index page
http.HandleFunc("/ordering-items-workflow.bpmn", handleOrderingItemsWorkflowBpmn) // the BPMN file, for documentation purpose
Then we initialize the BPMN engine and register a trivial handler, which just prints on STDOUT.
package main
import (
func initBpmnEngine() {
bpmnEngine = bpmn_engine.New()
process, _ = bpmnEngine.LoadFromBytes(OrderingItemsWorkflowBpmn)
func printHandler(job bpmn_engine.ActivatedJob) {
// do important stuff here
println(fmt.Sprintf("%s >>> Executing job '%s'", time.Now(), job.ElementId()))
func updateAccountingHandler(job bpmn_engine.ActivatedJob) {
println(fmt.Sprintf("%s >>> Executing job '%s'", time.Now(), job.ElementId()))
println(fmt.Sprintf("%s >>> update ledger revenue account with amount=%s", time.Now(), job.Variable("amount")))
Since the /api/order
endpoint can be requested with the GET or POST method,
we need to make the handler smart enough to either create an order process instance or respond a status
package main
import (
_ "embed"
func handleOrder(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
if request.Method == "POST" {
createNewOrder(writer, request)
} else if request.Method == "GET" {
showOrderStatus(writer, request)
func createNewOrder(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
instance, _ := bpmnEngine.CreateAndRunInstance(process.ProcessKey, nil)
redirectUrl := fmt.Sprintf("/show-process.html?orderId=%d", instance.GetInstanceKey())
http.Redirect(writer, request, redirectUrl, http.StatusFound)
func showOrderStatus(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
orderIdStr := request.URL.Query()["orderId"][0]
orderId, _ := strconv.ParseInt(orderIdStr, 10, 64)
instance := bpmnEngine.FindProcessInstance(orderId)
if instance != nil {
// we re-use this GET request to ensure we catch up the timers - ideally the service uses internal timers instead
bytes, _ := prepareJsonResponse(orderIdStr, instance.GetState(), instance.GetCreatedAt())
writer.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
http.NotFound(writer, request)
Also, for the incoming payments, our microservice provides an endpoint so that we get informed by external payment service. This handler sends a message to the process instance and continues.
package main
import (
_ "embed"
func handleReceivePayment(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
orderIdStr := request.FormValue("orderId")
amount := request.FormValue("amount")
if len(orderIdStr) > 0 && len(amount) > 0 {
orderId, _ := strconv.ParseInt(orderIdStr, 10, 64)
processInstance := bpmnEngine.FindProcessInstance(orderId)
if processInstance != nil {
vars := map[string]interface{}{
"amount": amount,
bpmnEngine.PublishEventForInstance(processInstance.GetInstanceKey(), "payment-received", vars)
http.Redirect(writer, request, "/", http.StatusFound)
writer.Write([]byte("Bad request: the request must contain form data with 'orderId' and 'amount', and the order must exist"))
To get the snippet compile, see the other sources in the examples/ordering_microservice/ folder.