lib-bpmn-engine playground

A showcase of the lib-bpmn-engine (Go) library compiled to WASM, to run in a pure browser environment. All BPMN data just resides in your browser and no data is sent to the server.

This is a very experimental showcase, to highlight the power of cross-compiling Go->WASM. More documentation about the library you can find

task handler
This code is executed for each service task (the little service gear). You can write arbitrary JS code and get task information by the 'job' object.
//this code is executed, when the 'Test' service task is reached console.log("--- task-handler ---") console.log("ElementId = " + job.GetElementId()); console.log("CreatedAt = " + job.GetCreatedAt()); //console.log("Key = " + job.GetKey()); //console.log("BpmnProcessId = " + job.GetBpmnProcessId()); //console.log("ProcessDefinitionKey = " + job.GetProcessDefinitionKey()); //console.log("ProcessDefinitionVersion = " + job.GetProcessDefinitionVersion()); job.Complete();
